The International Town and Gown Association is the global non-profit association dedicated to college campus and community interests.  To fulfill the mission and to meet the individual and community needs of its members, ITGA convenes gatherings, educates members and partner organizations, researches topics of concern, shares knowledge, and mobilizes members to ensure the success of communities around the world. 

We are a diverse group of college and university administrators, city officials, and campus neighbors who collaborate on issues of campus and community.  Economic development, sustainability, student housing, diversity and inclusion, quality of life, and civic engagement are among the many topics that ITGA addresses.  Through its knowledgeable staff and professionally accomplished members, ITGA helps campuses and communities stay on top of current events. 

ITGA helps its members in a number of ways, including an annual conference, networking and professional advice, regional gatherings and collaborative problem-solving.

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Opportunity to network with other professionals in the field for collaborative problem solving and professional advice at conferences and regional gatherings

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