Organizational Membership - Single:  One college or one university or one municipality with an unlimited number of faculty or staff from that college, university or municipality who will each have access to the benefits of an ITGA membership.

Organizational Membership - Joint:  A combination of a college and/or university with a municipality. This membership is the heart of the ITGA bringing together town and gown. The category allows for multiple colleges and/or universities to join with the host community and have an unlimited number of individuals from your organization with access to the benefits of an ITGA membership. The price of the joint organizational is based on the highest population or enrollment of the joint members.

Regional-add Ons:  After a joint organizational membership has been established, an additional city or higher education institution may join at a reduced rate. The joint rate must be paid first by the highest population institution/city.

Corporate Membership:  Businesses or corporations involved in services related to campuses and their communities.

Individual Membership:  This category is for individuals only (not organizations) and offers one access to membership benefits.