Affiliation Agreements

Association of Public & Land Grant Universities' Innovation and Economic Prosperity (IEP) Designation Program: ITGA and APLU’s IEP program seek to be strategic in efforts to achieve mutual goals. The collaborative measures will contribute to the development of meaningful and sustainable partnerships, founded on the principles of quality engagement between universities, communities, philanthropies, government, and industry, are key to maximizing the positive impact of the university on the economy and society. Working more closely, ITGA and APLU’s IEP program will be able to advance their common interests while achieving greater membership potential, reducing duplication of effort, and leveraging existing resources more efficiently and effectively.

International City - County Management Association (ICMA): ITGA & ICMA signed an affiliation agreement that will help advance the strategic goals of the organizations through membership development, information sharing and other services related to the advancement of good local governance and the importance of fostering strong relationships between institutions of higher learning and the communities in which they reside.

National League of Cities: (NLC): The ITGA & NLC/UCC have an affiliation agreement that will contribute to the greater success of both organizations in the areas of membership development, professional development, information sharing, and other services related to the advancement of good local governance, the awareness of the value of professional local government management, and the importance of fostering a strong relationship between institutions of higher learning and the communities in which they reside.

The United Kingdom Town Gown Association (UKTGA) and ITGA signed an affiliation agreement to collaborate on goals of mutual benefit. Both organizations will actively provide skills and development learning opportunities in order to demonstrate the value of membership. UKTGA and ITGA will share joint efforts in published materials including newsletters, e-newsletters and blogs. Members of both organizations will be invited to present at conferences. The UKTGA will work closely with ITGA to ensure a truly global approach to off-campus management.